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The Perfect Wedding Reception Venue

A couple of months ago, my younger sister got married in a beautiful ceremony at her church. Our father has pastored this rural, evangelical church for the past twenty-nine years. Therefore, this special place to both of us was the obvious right venue to have her wedding at. After the wedding ceremony, my parents hosted a reception in the church’s activity building. My sister even decorated this large building herself. Have you picked a venue for your wedding, but don’t know where to have your reception at? When looking for the right place to have this special event, consider your personality and the personality of your future mate. For instance, if you’re cowboy or a cowgirl, you probably wouldn’t enjoy a wedding reception at an upscale country club in town. On this blog, you will discover the best places to host a wedding reception at.

The Perfect Wedding Reception Venue


What To Expect In Escape Rooms

Going to an escape room can be nerve-racking if you're not sure what you are walking into. You are put in a room with one clue and a walkie talkie and told "Good Luck." The next sixty minutes can be exciting and fun. To make sure that the experience is positive, here are some tips to remember. Work Together When possible, pick your teammates and find those you work well with.

Tips To Pull Off An Outdoor Event- Even When It Rains!

Don't flip-flop about the weather; embrace the chance of rain! As long as your vendors, speakers, and attendees know that you are having the event regardless of weather, make the most of it. Some might even think that it creates even more memorable moments and some great candid photos of the day. Some ways to pull off an outdoor event even when it calls for rain are: Hang on to your sense of humor.

A Wild, Wild Wedding? 3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Rustic Wedding Venue

While there are those more cosmopolitan brides who prefer their venues to be all modern art and chrome, there are others who dream of a more rustic wedding to echo their more down-home, sensible mindset, aesthetic and/or lifestyle. But when it comes to choosing your wedding venue for a wilder theme, it can be hard to draw the line between beautifully rustic and just plain worn down. So if you're trying to decide what rustic venue is going to be best for you and for your guests, then here are a few things to consider before signing on the bottom line.