A couple of months ago, my younger sister got married in a beautiful ceremony at her church. Our father has pastored this rural, evangelical church for the past twenty-nine years. Therefore, this special place to both of us was the obvious right venue to have her wedding at. After the wedding ceremony, my parents hosted a reception in the church’s activity building. My sister even decorated this large building herself. Have you picked a venue for your wedding, but don’t know where to have your reception at? When looking for the right place to have this special event, consider your personality and the personality of your future mate. For instance, if you’re cowboy or a cowgirl, you probably wouldn’t enjoy a wedding reception at an upscale country club in town. On this blog, you will discover the best places to host a wedding reception at.
Going to an escape room can be nerve-racking if you're not sure what you are walking into. You are put in a room with one clue and a walkie talkie and told "Good Luck." The next sixty minutes can be exciting and fun. To make sure that the experience is positive, here are some tips to remember.
Work Together
When possible, pick your teammates and find those you work well with. Escape rooms require the group to work together with multiple clues all over the room. It is a lot easier when you can focus on the clues and not on difficult personalities.
As everyone begins to find clues, make sure to inform the team of what you find. There usually is at least one clue that requires pieces from all over the room. And often clues go together, with one piece leading to another in a different area.
Spread Out and Snoop
Don't stand still hoping to solve the mystery. Unless they say that an item is off limits, then plan on opening everything. Looking inside, under, and behind is the only way to find clues. Books are often a prime example of clues lurking inside pages. The best way to beat the clock is the have your team spread out and dig for those clues.
Use those Clues
Every escape room has different rules on how many or how often clues are given. Don't be afraid to use clues, especially if you are new to escape rooms. Plan on using a clue in the first 10-15 minutes if you are stuck. If you save the clue until too late, you may not have time to process the rest of the clues to escape. Also plan on saving one clue for the last 10-20 minutes when time is running out.
Write Things Down
Don't be afraid to write things down. Often, there will be complex clues with codes to break, numbers to collect, or pieces of information to remember. It can help to jot down information to remember it quickly.
Don't Rush
It can be hard to slow down when the clock is ticking, but make sure once you find a clue to take your time. If you miss an important piece, then you may lose more time having to backtrack.
Walking into a unique escape room with a mission and a clue can be a great way to spend your night. Don't be afraid to jump on in and solve the puzzle.