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The Perfect Wedding Reception Venue

A couple of months ago, my younger sister got married in a beautiful ceremony at her church. Our father has pastored this rural, evangelical church for the past twenty-nine years. Therefore, this special place to both of us was the obvious right venue to have her wedding at. After the wedding ceremony, my parents hosted a reception in the church’s activity building. My sister even decorated this large building herself. Have you picked a venue for your wedding, but don’t know where to have your reception at? When looking for the right place to have this special event, consider your personality and the personality of your future mate. For instance, if you’re cowboy or a cowgirl, you probably wouldn’t enjoy a wedding reception at an upscale country club in town. On this blog, you will discover the best places to host a wedding reception at.

The Perfect Wedding Reception Venue

3 Ways To Make Your New Family Reunion More Memorable

by Virgil Woods

Are you looking for interesting ways to make your upcoming family reunion a memorable experience for everyone involved? Here are a few options that shouldn't be overlooked:

Trade Family Recipes

A great way to make sure that everyone who attends your family reunion remembers the event for many years to come is to host a recipe trading event at the reunion. Ask each guest to bring along a recipe that their immediate family at home enjoys, written on an index card. During the family reunion, you can set all the recipes out on a big table so everyone can choose a new recipe to bring home with them.

Any time a guest uses their new recipe at home, they'll fondly remember your family reunion and who they got the recipe from. They might even feel inspired to call the recipe creator and catch up on what's been going on since they saw each other at the reunion. So in the end, the recipes could result in a tighter-knit family that keeps in touch more often as time goes on.

Create an Event Book

Another way to keep the memory of your family reunion alive long after the get-together ends is to create an event book so you can send copies of it to each guest. They can put the book on their coffee tables or store it away in a keepsake box. Either way, they'll have a lifetime record of the family reunion that they can revisit any time they want to.

Have everyone sign a guest list when they arrive and use it as the first page of your record. Then create a new page for each event that takes place during the family reunion to complete your book. Include a photo and a short story about the event and how it went down on each page.

Whether it's a game of tag football, a three-legged race, or an afternoon campfire, make sure that you document any event small or large that happens throughout the day. This will help ensure that each guest has an opportunity to revisit the specific events that were most special to them.

Rent a Photo Booth

You can easily infuse extra fun into your family reunion and help ensure that the day is as memorable to your guests as it is to you by renting a photo booth. Have your rented photo booth set up in a prominent place at your family reunion so guests can take photos of themselves with their loved ones as the day progresses and everyone can have fun watching them do it.

The funny faces, the awkward moments of waiting for the booth's camera light to flash, and the excitement of waiting for a turn in the booth are all sure to help bring your family reunion guests closer together and give them a fun memory to enjoy for years to come. And the photos that everyone gets to take home will keep those memories alive for friends who see them. For more information, contact local professionals like those found at Unik Rentals.
